D.A.V believes in setting clear visions and challenges in keeping pace with the new millennium and laying a healthy foundation by creating a sustainable environment that is the key to human existence. It provides a congenial environment for all round development of the whole personality and its integration with the society, particularly in reference to the Indian context. Positive ideas are inculcated in students as regards personal hygiene, neatness of uniform, cleanliness of surroundings, graceful manners, obedience and discipline. We understand that children do need adult supervision, care, faith and trust. So we are committed to provide a support structure to realize their potential and their dreams.
With a good team of highly motivated and dedicated teachers, the academic output of the school especially in terms of Board results have improved qualitatively over the years. Learning is an enjoyable activity here as teachers make their lessons very interesting by incorporating various methods of teaching, viz. Demonstration, Experimentation, Project Work, Home Assignments, Play-way, Micro - teaching etc.
The strength & success of DAV schools lie in the harmonious blend of science and technology and a sound grounding of ancient Vedic Culture. We inculcate in the students a thirst for knowledge, human values, love for mankind, environment and scientific temper of learning as a progressive change from ignorance to knowledge, from inability to competence and from indifference to understanding.